Saturday, November 5, 2011

Why is it considered accpetable for guys to behave immaturely and frivolously but girls seem to be judged more?

if a girl is too frank or talkative, she is called hyper or easy, if she jokes around a lot, she is taken for granted, if she is immature and irresponsible, she is called crazy, if she is expressive, she is called needy, if she flaunts, she is a drama queen, self centred . . Blah blah . . I have noticed that females are ideally more appreciated if they are responsible, mature and very sober . . On the other hand, guys are not judged if they are immature, joking around a lot or irresponsible and even the number of affairs or liasons dont seem to taint a guy, as it taints a girl . . Why is the society so quick to judge girls or name them?

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